It’s a new day with the United Way of Miami County.
For the past 35+ years, this volunteer-led organization
has been raising money to tackle some of the county’s
most challenging problems, raising and distributing
almost $2 million since 1982. Formerly known as the
United Way of Paola, the organization has recently
changed its name to officially reflect that fact that while our county has
a number of communities, the problems that our most vulnerable face
are not limited to arbitrary political subdivisions. Need knows no boundaries.
The United Way of Miami County helps to put food on people’s tables and clothes on people’s backs. It helps put a roof over people’s heads and enables children to get a better education. It provides support so that people get the medical care they need. As an entity it works with adults and children; people of all races and religions; those with disabilities and those without. United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community.
In the last year, 11 agencies serving Miami County residents, were awarded funds to tackle some of the county’s toughest challenges. Almost $45,000 was distributed to these agencies
East Central Kansas Area Agency on Aging (Meals on Wheels)
Elizabeth Layton Center
Foster Grandparents
Heads up
Miami County Cancer Foundation
Miami County Diabetes Support Group
Miami County Youth Protection (Morning Out For Moms)
My Father's House
PACA (Paola Association for Church Action)
Paola Senior Center
Parents As Teachers
The United Way of Miami County is a locally based voluntary effort that increases the organized capacity of people who care for one another. The organization is governed by local community members who plan for future needs and allocate funds through a review process. Contributing to United Way of Miami County is an effective, yet convenient way to support a network of vital services provided in our community.
You may reach United Way of Miami County at our website , by mail at PO Box 102, Paola, KS 66071, by email to [email protected] or via phone at (913) 294-8090.
Special For the Month:
United Way will be hosting a coffee on Thursday, November 7th at 10:00 a.m. at the the Loft on Sixth (425 6th Street). Please show your support by attending this coffee. This is a great way to get to know their staff and a great way to network with other businesses. Your support for their business is appreciated!