Shoot House Paintball
Barden Family Dentistry
Faith Community Church
Osawatomie USD 367
Eddy-Birchard Funeral Home
Landmark National Bank
First Option Bank
Our Clique Photography
Farm Bureau
Doug Petroskey (President)
Deanna Barden
Dale Samuels
Amanda Moon
Loren McCrea
Nick Scheffer (Treasurer)
Mark Fuchs
Cody Goff
Chad Robbins
Executive Director
Shay Hanysak
Chamber Board Meetings are held at 8:00 AM on the forth Tuesday of the month, at Faith Community Church (560 Main Street, Osawatomie).
Meeting minutes are available upon request. Contact the Chamber's Director.
Office Location
561 Main Street
(with Prime Accounting)
Mailing Address
PO Box 63
Osawatomie KS 66064
To promote growth and prosperity in our community
Setting the P.A.C.E since 1948