The Community Senior Service Center, Inc. (non-profit corporation)
was incorporated by the State of Kansas June 24, 1974. At that
time Theodore L. Barrett was Chairman of the Board. In 1981
the corporation was amended to provide housing through the
HUD program. It was at that time Osawatomie Court Apartments
came into our community.
The meals have been included in this program since 1974,
when at that time they were prepared by Aggies Smorgabord
at $1.25 per meal. Since those years, with many changes along
the way, the meal program is still provided with East Central Kansas Area On Aging guidelines. The meals come in hot from the Ottawa kitchen. The donation now is $3.50 per meal. Home bound meals are delivered by volunteers Monday thru Friday. Without those Volunteers this Program could not exist. The Osawatomie Site Manager for the meal program is Tonya Page. She is fairly new to the position, so is still in the learning process.
The Senior Center Director is Carol Rhea. She has been in this position since 1998. Carol grew up in Osawatomie and has resided here the majority of her lifetime. Married to Jack Rhea, they are now empty nesters with 5 children between them. The Senior Center offers the lunch time meal and many activities throughout the month. They are always open to new ideas. THEY NEED SENIORS !! The younger senior population is not so open to Bingo, etc. They need new ideas to get the younger generation of seniors to use our facility.
Another big part of their programs is General Public Transportation. This program is subsidized by KDOT. Drivers (besides Carol) include Barbara Cummins, who has been with the Senior Center for over 6 years and Jim Legg who is currently filling in for the recently retired Curtis Gibson. Curtis had been with the Senior Center for 6 years and retired December 31st of this past year. The transportation program is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Within Osawatomie City limits their fee is $1.00 per stop. Paola is also available for a $5.00 fee. They also do country stops, with the fee figured by mileage. They do not leave Miami County.
They love being a part of our community and would enjoy fostering new growth in their programs.
Special for the Month:
The Senior Center will be hosting Coffee with a Cop on Friday, January 18th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There will be no agenda, no speeches and no power point presentations. Just coffee and a chance to ask questions, voice concerns and to get to know the officers in your community. The Chamber coffee will be in conjunction with this coffee and will begin at 9:00 a.m. – so if you’re already there visiting stay! Or if you plan on attending at 9:00 a.m. be sure to stick around and stay! This coffee will also give a chance to meet Carol and the wonderful employees of the Senior Center!